Hot & Sassy…The 12 Days of Christmas!

Hot & Sassy…The 12 Days of Christmas!

On the First Day of Christmas my true love gave to me…
a Partridge in a Pear Tree.
NO, NO, wait…

He gave to me…
A Cartridge for my HP!

On the Second Day of Christmas my true love gave to me…

2 Turtle Doves.
NO, NO, wait…

He gave to me …

2 Tokens of Love!
& a Cartridge for my HP.

On the Third Day of Christmas my true love gave to me…

3 French Hens.
NO, NO, wait…

He gave to me…

3 Friggin Benz!
2 Tokens of Love
& a Cartridge for my HP.

On the Fourth Day of Christmas my true love gave to me…
4 Calling Birds
NO, NO, Wait…

He gave to me….

4 Cuddling Words!
3 Friggin Benz
2 Tokens of Love
& a Cartridge for my HP.

On the Fifth Day of Christmas my true love gave to me…

5 Golden Rings.

NO, NO, Wait…

He gave to me…

5 Gold-fried Wings!
4 Cuddling Words
3 Friggin Benz
2 Tokens of Love
& a Cartridge for my HP.

On the Sixth Day of Christmas my true love gave to me…


ix Geese a-laying!


He gave to me…

6 Geezers a-playing!
5 Gold-fried Wings
4 Cuddling Words
3 Friggin Benz
2 Tokens of Love
& a Cartridge for my HP.

On the Seventh Day of Christmas my true love gave to me…
7 Swans a-swimming!
NO, NO, Wait…

He gave to me…

7 Swags a-swinging!
6 Geezers a-playing
5 Gold-fried Wings
4 Cuddling Words
3 Friggin Benz
2 Tokens of Love
& a Cartridge for my HP.

On the Eighth Day of Christmas my true love gave to me…
8 Maids a-milking.
NO, NO, Wait…

He gave to me…

8 Men a-mansplaining!
7 Swags a-swinging
6 Geezers a-playing
5 Gold-fried Wings
4 Cuddling Words
3 Friggin Benz
2 Tokens of Love
& a Cartridge for my HP.

On the Ninth Day of Christmas my true love gave to me…
9 Ladies Dancing.
NO, NO, Wait…

He gave to me…
9 Licks & Romancing!
8 Men a-mansplaining
7 Swags a-swinging
6 Geezers a-playing
5 Gold-fried Wings
4 Cuddling Words
3 Friggin Benz
2 Tokens of Love
& a Cartridge for my HP.

On the Tenth Day of Christmas my true love gave to me…
10 Lords a-leaping.
NO, NO, Wait…

He gave to me…
10 Lusty *bleepings*!
9 Licks & Romancing
8 Men a-mansplaining
7 Swags a-swinging
6 Geezers a-playing
5 Gold-fried Wings
4 Cuddling Words
3 Friggin Benz
2 Tokens of Love
& a Cartridge for my HP.

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas my true love gave to me…
11 Pipers Piping.
NO, NO, Wait…

He gave to me…
11 Pizzas Piping Hot!
10 Lusty *bleepings*
9 Licks & Romancing
8 Men a-mansplaining
7 Swags a-swinging
6 Geezers a-playing
5 Gold-fried Wings
4 Cuddling Words
3 Friggin Benz
2 Tokens of Love
& a Cartridge for my HP.

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas my true love gave to me…
12 Fiddlers
NO, NO, Wait…

He gave to me…

12 Dildos for Diddling!
11 Pizzas Piping Hot
10 Lusty *bleepings*
9 Licks & Romancing
8 Men a-mansplaining
7 Swags a-swinging
6 Geezers a-playing
5 Gold-fried Wings
4 Cuddling Words
3 Friggin Benz
2 Tokens of Love
& a Cartridge for my HP!

Here’s wishing you lots more than 12 fun filled days this Holiday Season!



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